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This is a guide to help you understand our offerings. Please familiarize yourself with the terminology, and please continue to learn about these beautiful alternative healing medicines.  If you still have questions after reading through the FAQs, please send an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Energy is everything—everything in the universe is in motion, even a rock, at an atomic and subatomic level, energy is defined as “information that vibrates. Conventional descriptions refer to energy at the physical level and define it as the capacity to do work and overcome resistance. 

In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to a body or physical system to perform work on the body, or to heat it. According to Newton's law of conservation “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another”. This means that a system always has the same amount of energy, unless it's added from the outside.

Energy healing is a practice that recognizes that energy is a vital, living, moving force, which is instrumental in determining health and well-being. The primary function of energy healing is to change the frequency of the body's three main energetic anatomic features—energetic fields, channels, and centers.

The physical body has an energy counterpart referred to by many names: ethereal body, aura, energy field, bioenergy field, and human energy field. 

When the energy flow is blocked or distorted, a natural healthy balance cannot be maintained, and states of disease become evident. Contaminated foods, environmental toxins, parasites, chronic viral infections, surgery, emotional trauma, and negative thought patterns all have the potential to interfere with a person's energy flow.

Some of the fields sensed by healers appear to involve energies that conventional science has difficulty assessing; auras are just one example. Healers can diagnose an individual's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual conditions by examining his or her aura


Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine called energy healing in which the practitioner serves as a channel of universal life energy for the individual with whom they’re working (to clear chakras/unblock chakras/promote flow of energy/healing.  

The word Reiki is Japanese and translates as “Universal Life Force Energy”.  

Reiki is the cosmic life force energy that flows through all living beings.  It is a balancing, intelligent, and harmonizing energy that heals on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.  It is a subtle and effective form of energy work using spiritually guided life force energy.  A Reiki practitioner has the ability to guide, direct, and share Reiki with others.

Reiki is not affiliated with any religion.  It is not a massage or a substitute for any qualified healthcare.  Reiki is for everybody.


Holy Fire Reiki ("Holy" applies to the root meaning of the word whole) is a blend of traditional Usui Reiki and a modern evolution of Reiki introduced about three years ago by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. 

Holy Fire® energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness.

​Holy Fire Reiki is not a religion and is available to everyone regardless of his or her spiritual belief system


​​Shamanic energy healing is one of the most ancient forms of healing practiced by humans worldwide. Shamanic sessions are powerful for assisting clients with big life changes such as: job transitions, marriage and divorce, finding love, death and grief, and manifesting one's passion and life calling. 

Note: Shamanism is not a religion - it is a way to improve your life.

Shamanic Reiki is a blend of the ancient practices of Shamanism and Reiki into a spiritually-guided healing modality that allows individuals to reconnect to nature, and spirit – and ultimately, to themselves. As we open our minds to the possibilities of our greater nature, we discover the unity that exists within all healing techniques.

Healing can occur on any combination of a multitude of levels: spiritual, mental, physical and emotional. People who experience this type of energy healing often report feeling more energized, balanced, peaceful, clear, and less stressed. Some sleep better, find relief from physical maladies, or experience spiritual awakenings. The effects may be immediate, integrated over time, or both.


Reiki is an ancient yet simple healing technique. It has been found to produce profound results all through gentle touch, positive mindsets, and energy .
Reiki balances your internal body levels to return to a near-natural state. This means that your breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, circulation, and other bodily systems will improve. This normal balance will allow your body to heal itself from within. Some of the benefits of Reiki: 

  • Stress Reduction + Relaxation

  • Inner Peace + Harmony

  • Balance of Mind + Emotions

  • Relief From Grief + Sorrow

  • Alleviates Pain + Clears Toxins

  • Boosts Energy + Immunity

  • Heightens Meditation + Mindfulness

  • Promotes Healthy Sleep

  • Heightens Intuition

  • Complements Medical Treatment


Sound healing is an ancient meditative practice that uses different musical implements to create healing vibrations around the body in a meditative state. 


A sound bath is a meditative experience where those in attendance are “bathed” in sound waves. These waves are produced by various sources, including healing instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, percussion, chimes, rattles, tuning forks, and even the human voice itself.

Singing Bowl Therapists, for example, use Quartz crystal bowls and Gongs tuned at strategic frequencies for healing different parts of the body and mind.

This method of sound healing is ancient and sacred in Tibet, where it was first used around the 12th century for meditation and rituals. Other types of Sound Therapy, like vibro-acoustic, guided meditation and neurological music therapy combine frequency and mindfulness therapy to treat conditions like anxiety and depression.

The healing power of music and sound is widely recognized by health professionals. Music therapy and sound healing are used in medical facilities, nursing homes, hospice programs, private practice and many more.


Curanderismo is a Mexican American healing art with a holistic approach to wellness that has been used in the Americas for hundreds of years. Curanderismo infuses physical, spiritual, and supernatural facets.


Shamanism is an ancient indigenous practice that combines energies of earth, animals, plants, and spirit to bring about healing on a soul level.

Illnesses that manifest physically may still have significant spiritual underpinnings. The sense that something is missing or that you haven't been the same since an event can often be indicative of an energetic loss of some type, including soul energy loss.

Thousands of years of practice indicate that shamanic approaches have value to those who use them. Most understanding in this area has come from the observations of cultural anthropologists.  

In addition, knowledge of plant curative properties came through the practice of Shamanism, knowledge which is still used today. 

Shamanic healing is often part of a multi-pronged approach to an illness, and is fully compatible with both conventional medicine and other integrative treatments

Shamanism taps the power and energy of expanded spiritual realities and of nature to encourage harmony for individuals and communities. 


In Curanderismo we begin with “Plática,” the confidential heart to heart conversation held between the curandera and the client. A Plática is done before every private session, ceremony or ritual. It is the time you spend sharing what is “on your heart” and why you have brought yourself to be seen. A Platica is a ritual to open space. This safe space allows one to go within our soul, remember, set out intention and begin to heal. 


A limpia or spiritual cleansing, is used to cleanse the body, mind and soul of negativity.  

The most common reason to need a limpia is to simply rid the body of difficult emotions. These emotions are often caused by ourselves, being hard on ourselves. Our emotions come as teachers, if we are willing to look inside and begin to understand where they come from. If we feel them for too long of a time, especially if they are full of anger, negativity, or jealousy, your spiritual health or physical health declines.

The limpia brings peace, protection, clarity, and opportunity your way. It attracts prosperity and blessings, stimulates the third eye, chakras, and much more.


Rapé/Hapé (pronounced “ha-peh” or “rapay”) is a sacred shamanic snuff medicine made by the indigenous tribes of the Amazon. Rapé is a rare and profoundly healing and cleansing miracle medicine that has been used since ancient times.

When served in a manner that honors the traditions it can provide insight, guidance, protection, cleansing and healing. It is a means to focus the mind by decalcifying the pineal gland, and releasing energies that do not serve you. 


Hapé is a pulverized mix of various medicinal herbs and Nicotiana Rustica; small leaves NOT grown for commercialization or genetically hybridized with high amounts of nicotine, thus it has none of the negative properties that commercial cigarettes have. Instead, it is grown and made in deep reverence for the and for Mother Earth.

* This sacred medicine takes days to make and is a very labor intensive process made in a ceremonial way, out of various Amazonian healing medicinal plants, leaves, trees and seeds from native lands.


Rapé/Hapé is served traditionally blown through each nostril on both sides using a blow pipe made from bamboo or bone (Tepi) especially made for this purpose. One end of the Tepi connects the blower’s mouth to the other person’s nostrils, one at the time. Rapé is administered by a Healer or Shaman knowledgeable of the traditions and the use of this Medicine.


NOTE: For clarification purposes: Hapé is legal in the USA and does not contain any hallucinatory agents


Cacao ceremonies originate all the way back to Mayan and Aztec traditions, used for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes for inner awakening and creative guidance. Pure cacao is used as a heart opening medicine for people to safely experience awakening, revelation and inner healing.

Ceremonial-grade Cacao is made by fermenting and lightly toasting or sun-drying the beans, then peeling the husks (usually by hand) and stone-grinding them down to create a paste which is set into a block — nothing added, nothing removed. The bean’s fat remains intact, helping to balance its stimulating properties and facilitate absorption over a longer period of

Cacao powder, although it may be organic, “raw” and a “superfood” is also highly processed to commercial standards, removing the bean’s natural fat — cacao butter. This means that many living enzymes, healthy fat and most of the subtle energetic properties of cacao have been destroyed.

Cocoa powder has been roasted for long periods of time at high temperatures, which changes the molecular structure of the bean, lowering its naturally abundant nutritional value.


Cacao is one of the most nutritionally dense superfoods and provides many medicinal benefits.

It contains more antioxidants than any other food on the planet.

It stimulates the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and anandamide (also known as the BLISS chemical) leading to feelings of euphoria.

It relaxes the muscles and balances the nervous system whilst focusing the mind and activating the heart.

Please note: Many antidepressants do NOT mix with the tryptophan and MAO (Monoamine Oxidase) Inhibitors in this cacao… Research your medication!

Integration after a healing session is very important. This is a time where you gather your thoughts, and regain your sensory awareness before heading out - especially if you’re driving. During this time, you provide and receive feedback about your session. You may want to journal about your experience. 

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