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The Power of 3: Egg Herbs & Smoke

Limpias are traditional spiritual cleansings rooted in the ancient wisdom of Curanderismo and practiced by Indigenous communities throughout Mesoamerica for generations. 

It’s like giving your spirit and energy field a deep breath of fresh air, helping you release what no longer serves you. This could be anything from emotional heaviness, energetic blockages, or even stress that’s weighing you down.


Every limpia I offer begins with a PLATICA—a heart to heart conversation to open sacred space and set intentions. This is a time for connection, a moment to honor your journey and the energy you carry.

Together, we’ll call in and honor the sacred directions, our ancestors and spirit allies,  before diving into the healing work. â€‹

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Limpias Offerings


An herbal limpia is much more than just an energy cleanse—it’s like stepping into a tradition that has been passed down through generations. Plants have their own energy and wisdom. They’re like little allies from nature, each carrying its unique vibration and medicine. When used in a limpia, they help us reconnect with the earth and remind us of the healing power of the natural world. Imagine the soothing aroma of fresh herbs, each chosen for its unique ability to heal and purify, moving through your energy field. As I work with the plants, we gently clear away any unwanted energies or influences that may be lingering. It’s not just about cleansing; it’s about reconnecting—with nature, with your ancestors, and with a sense of balance that leaves you feeling lighter and more at ease.



A limpia with an egg is a traditional energy-cleansing ritual found in many Indigenous cultures, especially in Mexico and Central America. It’s like giving your spirit a deep, gentle scrub to clear away the heaviness of negative energy, emotional blockages, or even physical discomfort. 

Picture this: a simple egg, a symbol of life and potential, moving gently across your body, absorbing the energies you’re ready to release. As I guide the egg through your energy field, it works to draw out emotional heaviness, bad luck, evil eye or anything that no longer serves you. When the limpia is complete, the egg becomes a mirror, revealing what was carried and cleared. 



The process involves burning copal, which has been used for centuries by Indigenous cultures across Mesoamerica. Copal, specifically, comes from tree sap and has this incredible connection to the Earth and spirit realms. When it’s burned, its smoke isn’t just aromatic—it’s transformative. It’s thought to lift prayers, connect us to the divine, and sweep away anything that’s not serving our highest good.

During a limpia, I use the smoke to "sweep" your energy field, known as your aura. The idea is that the smoke clings to heavy, unwanted energy and carries it away, leaving you feeling lighter, more balanced, and maybe even a little sparkly!

While I am committed to supporting your healing journey through energy work, I do not replace professional medical or psychological treatment. 

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact a qualified mental health professional or reach out to a local crisis support line immediately.  If your situation involves entities or other spiritual phenomena requiring specialized expertise, I can refer you to trusted practitioners in that field. Thank you for understanding and for taking the steps toward the support you need.    *   Joshua Tree, California   *   (760) 676-0945

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